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I have a small kitchen, but I love it so much. First, it is my dream place in my house because I can cook whatever I want to cook. As the person who wants to ac


问答分类 厨房 短文 写出 网友:三石太保 来源:装修问答网 2024-07-01


  • 1、I have a small kitchen, but I love it so much. First, it is my dream place in my house because I can cook whatever I want to cook. As the person who wants to achieve a career in the carinary art, I love to try new things by mixing different food together with various souces. As the result, I consider kitchen will be my dream place at home. Also, I think kitchen is a place where I can make my family members happy. I can cook food for my family and they would love it. I have a small kitchen, but it is very neat because I keep everything in order. Last, the wall of my kitchen is white, so I work very hard to make it clean.



  • I have a small kitchen, but I love it so much. First, it is my dream place in my house because I can cook whatever I want to cook. As the person who wants to achieve a career in the carinary art, I love to try new things by mixing different food together with various souces. As the result, I consider kitchen will be my dream place at home. Also, I think kitchen is a place where I can make my family members happy. I can cook food for my family and they would love it. I have a small kitchen, but it is very neat because I keep everything in order. Last, the wall of my kitchen is white, so I work very hard to make it clean.


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